Mystery Boardroom Farter

I’m in a meeting today with the owners and executive for a small local company. The team consists of one man in his 40s, one snappy woman around age 35, and a married couple in their early sixties. I’m the only one there from my company.

About 45 minutes into the meeting, the small room fills with a noticably gross smell. No noises or confessions, just a bunch of stink. 5 minutes later, I’m hit with wave #2, trying not to crack a smile while watching people’s faces for clues to figure out who was guilty. About 10 minutes after that, wave #3 hit and it is worse than others by far! Like, choking in my seat bad. The meeting ended a few minutes later, we all stood up, did the parting formalities, and I showed them to the door, but I never found out who did it. Whoever it was, they sure did a good job of hiding it!


  • Stink factor: 7/10
  • Volume: 0/10
  • Characteristics: stuck in a room with no windows, cabbage flavor
  • Trip to the John solved it: hopefully
  • Fart Fuel: excitement over the work I’ve been doing?
  • Casualties: 4 innoncent bystanders!